The cabinet project is finished. Other than I may want to put some handles on them. It is a guessing game which side to grab when opening them because I am not used to them. Still, I like handles on cabinet doors. I am quite pleased with how they came out. All of the pipes are hidden with the exception of a little section over what will eventually become the wood bin.
The train room is now empty of everything that doesn’t belong in there. Layout construction is all set to go. Hurrah!
Hi Alan –
thanks for posting you journey, I am impressed.
I have a lot of questions but I’m sure you have better things to do. But, I did want to ask about your track decision.
Have you been satisfied with the Walthers track, any issues with DCC and the turnouts?
Did you consider Micro Engineering flex track with Fast Track turnouts or Peco. I understand the issue with the limited ME turnouts selection.
At present, I am in the process of selecting a track brand for a new layout and your feedback would be helpful. Maybe like you, I am trying not to mix brands for simplicity.
When you get a minute. thanks
Not mixing track brands is the reason. I understand it is possible to mix and match but it would be one more issue to deal with. Walthers has by far the largest turnout selection of any track manufacturer.
I am very satisfied with Walthers 83 track. While ME 83 may slightly edge out Walthers 83 in spike detail and web cross section accuracy, the difference is so trivial. Compared to all the other brands Walthers and ME are visually superior IMHO.
My layout is RailPro, not DCC although this is of no difference with respect to turnouts. RP and DCC both require the same of a turnout. I have had no issues with turnout electrical performance nor have I had to make any adjustments/modifications to get them to perform electrically correct. Literally used right out of the box. Use only 4 digit pt# series Walthers turnouts. The old 3 digit pt# Walthers turnouts are not DCC friendly.
I did not go the Fast Track make-your-own-turnouts-route because I am using 110 wheels. Walthers turnouts work beautifully with 110 wheels. Had I decided upon 88 or 87 wheels then the decision would have been different. Additionally, the cost of all the required Fast Tracks jigs far offset the potential cost savings of making my own. Many might say I could eBay the jigs when done but what if I add a new turnout in the future? Ultimately, using commercial turnouts was the right answer for my situation.