All of the fascia panels are in place. I so want to finish and paint it to see the final product but I can’t. There is much to do before paint time. However, there is always Photoshop! This image gives you an idea of the color I have in mind. A dusty chalkboard slate color made from the same tinters that are in the Serene Sky blue. Subtract out most of the white and add a bunch of black.
Next project is the control panels. The design is on this post. They will take a while to build but should be fun. Once built and located, the fascia will be notched along the bottom for the panel connectors. Removal for notching is one of the reasons the fascia has to remain unfinished for now. If all goes well the connectors and wiring will be completely hidden while still permitting easy removal of a control panel if needed. After the control panels are finished then I will glue splice plates across the backside exposed fascia seams to permanently align and affix adjoining fascia panels. Same method that was used on the lighting valence. Several years on and none of the valance seams are showing so I am confident the splice plate method works well. Then comes fascia final finishing.
For now, a whole bunch of raw fascia installation pictures…
Looking fantastic. So tidy!
Alan, Nice attention to detail, especially the ‘S’ curve on the facia between Mittiki Mine and Lapeer. Should look great. Will your control panels be angled coming off the facia?
Thanks guys.
Yes, the panels will be angled 10 degrees.
I noticed one leg is on a stack of 2-by lumber. Knowing you have a plan for everything, I was wondering what this was for? As I have always said, your layout is the standard I am going to attempt to build to.
Actually, there are 3 legs. One under Brittain Yard Service area, one under Lapeer, and another under Kitzmiller. The helix spaces under Brittain and Lapeer create large unsupported areas. The helices once built and installed will provide the needed support. The legs are temporary until the helices are in place. Kitzmiller has no helix but has very deep benchwork because of the scene I want to depict. There is minimal lower deck arrangement under Kitzmiller, essentially wide open space. The leg under Kitzmiller will become permanent when the lower deck is built.
Looking great Alan your progress and attention to detail is inspiring.